Satellite Radio VS Conventional Radio

Now that SIRIUS has combined with its major competitor XM, it makes united satellite radio a far more serious threat to conventional radio. Conventional radio you have probably heard; it is also be called analog radio or free radio. Indeed, conventional radio's biggest advantage is that it is broadcast for free, whereas SIRIUS is a subscription based service. You could compare the technology to cable or satellite TV, offering far more options than regular network television ever would. What are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of both radio technologies?
Obviously conventional radio doesn't offer much in the way of choice. Content is dominated by sponsors and a general consensus of listeners. The biggest advantage of satellite radio is in freedom-the freedom to hear practically any content available and hear it according to your time schedule. With satellite radio you are not limited by a radio station. You can hear all your favorite singers, old time songs, comedians and shock jocks all day long. Another major advantage of SIRIUS is that you can hear your favorite channels all across the country, as the system is not based on analog radio transmission, but on space satellite technology. Therefore, you don't have to look for local radio stations every time you travel.
While it is true that analog radio's audience is much larger than the SIRIUS and XM audience, times are quickly changing and everyone is going the "digital route." Even network television will start broadcasting their lineup in digital format starting in 2009. For a time, it seemed as if free radio has its ace-in-the-hole-a local radio could be taken anywhere, whereas satellite radio seemed restricted to cars and homes. However, the new age of SIRIUS and XM products, such as the SIRIUS Stiletto 2, has brought portability to satellite radio's technology. The fact that many satellite radio receivers now include an MP3 playing device only sweetens the deal. This not only allows listeners to listen to their favorite MP3 files along with their SIRIUS radio; it also lets them digitally record their favorite radio songs for instant playback. Industry experts speculate that SIRIUS and XM's fan base is only growing to grow as their products become more travel friendly, while analog radio's fans will continue to dwindle.
Many fans enjoy SIRIUS [] and XM radio because of the exclusive content. Music channels are highly varied and can include everything from the major hits of the day to obscure genres or even channels devoted exclusively to legendary singers. Satellite radio music stations tend to have no long-winded commercials or mindless chatter interrupting your favorite song. The format also allows its content to be edgier and more original than programming on traditional radio is allowed be. It's little wonder than popular deejays such as Howard Stern and Bubba the Love Sponge have migrated towards SIRIUS-an uncensored forum where creative minds are free to purge their deepest and darkest thoughts.
The advantages of satellite radio outweigh analog radio by a long shot. As the new decade wears on, the advent of digital, customizable content will undoubtedly overtake conventional programming as America's listeners realize that they run the show. What used to be walk-man radios in the late 80s are quickly being replaced by portable satellite radios that have both radio and MP3 functionality. It seems that conventional radio is in for some long due competition.
Satellite Radio VS Conventional Radio

Home Radio Xm
Satellite Radio VS Conventional Radio
Home Radio Xm
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